Research Outputs


  • Bevis Ng. Cave by Fish Yu. ICMC Conference 2024, Seoul, Korea. info. July 2024. (program)
  • Hoi Tong Keung and Bevis Ng. Frolic by Fish Yu. Ontario Day of Percussion, Windsor ON. April 2024.
  • Hoi Tong Keung and Bevis Ng. Frolic by Fish Yu. The Space Between, Montréal QC. info. January 2024.
  • Matti Pulkki and Timothy Roth. Henki by Tytti Arola. New Music Gathering, Portland OR, USA. info. June 2023.
  • Hoi Tong Keung and Bevis Ng. Frolic by Fish Yu. New Music Gathering, Portland OR, USA. info. June 2023.
  • Jonny Smith. Renderer by Quinn Jacobs. SpokenWeb 2023 Symposium: ReVerb: Echo-Locations of Sound and Space, Edmonton, AB. info. May 2023.
  • TaPIR Lab. Anti-Kairos by Sandeep Bhagwati. La Grande Nuit 2023, Festival Montréal/Nouvelles Musiques, Montreal QC. info. February 2023.
  • Nikki Huang, Hoi Tong Keung, Bevis Ng, and Thomas Li. Be Water: An Exploration on Our Relationship with Home Through an Interdisciplinary Performance. Festival of Original Theatre Conference, Toronto ON. info. February 2023.
  • Aiyun Huang. Windward by David Bithell. Percussive Arts Society Internation Convention, Indianapolis IN. info. November 2022.
  • Aiyun Huang, Tyler Cunningham, Hoi Tong Keung, Bevis Ng, Matti Pulkki, and Timothy Roth. Mikrophonie I by Karlheinz Stockhausen. Transplanted Roots Research Symposium 2022, La Jolla CA, USA. info. May 2022. (performance video)
  • Louis Pino and Jonny Smith. MadLib by Louis Pino. The Space Between, Hamilton ON. info. April 2022. (performance video)
  • Bevis Ng. Cave by Fish Yu. The Space Between, Hamilton ON. info. April 2022. (performance video)
  • Timothy Roth and Jasmine Tsui. Sonic Canvas: Digital Art as Musical Improvisation. Toronto Creative Conference: Converge. November 2020. (performance video)
  • Louis Pino. Where is my Mind?. Toronto Creative Conference: Converge. November 2020. (performance video)

Papers and Presentations

  • Randall Chaves Camacho. Code-Switch: Exploring Multilingual Perspectives Through Music Composition and Speech-to-Text Technology. McGill Graduate Music Symposium, Montreal QC. March 2024. (presentation slides)
  • Randall Chaves Camacho. Code-Switch: Exploring Multilingual Perspectives Through Music Composition and Speech-to-Text Technology. University of Toronto Graduate Music Conference, Toronto ON. March 2024.
  • Timothy Roth and Aiyun Huang. New Ways for Old Works: reconstructing electroacoustic works by Beecroft, Frykberg, and Saint-Marcoux. The Space Between, Montreal QC. info. January 2024.
  • Louis Pino, Jonny Smith, and Timothy Roth. MadLib: Developing performative skills with live electronics through educational compositions. ICMC Conference 2023. Shenzhen, China. October 2023. (paper)
  • Timothy Roth. “Navigating Technological Obsolescence: Analysis and Reconstruction of Stockhausen’s Mikrophonie I.” Contemporary Music Review 42, no. 1 (July 2023): 61–81. (abstract
  • Andrew Gordon Bell. AUX-Cord Etudes: Designing a Mixed Pedagogy. University of Toronto Graduate Music Conference, Toronto ON. info. March 2023. (presentation slides)
  • Greg Bruce. Feedback Saxophone: Innovation in Analogue Augmentation. MusCan Conference 2022, Wolfville NS. June 2022.
  • Alex Fraga. Exploring Non-Isochronous Subdivisions on Brazilian Vibraphone Repertoire. The Space Between, Hamilton ON. info. April 2022. (presentation slides)
  • Greg Bruce. Tough Questions, Better Answers: The Centrality of Creative Practice in a DMA Thesis. X-disciplinary Congress on Artistic Research and Related Matters, Lithuania. October 2021. (presentation slides)
  • Timothy Roth. Navigating Technological Obsolescence: Analysis and Reconstruction of Stockhausen’s Mikrophonie I. Dialogues: Analysis and Performance, Toronto ON. info. October 2021.
  • Timothy Roth, Aiyun Huang, and Tyler Cunningham. On Parallel Performance Practices: some observations on personalizing DMIs as percussionists. NIME 2021, online. June 2021. (paper) (short intro video)
  • Timothy Roth, Tyler Cunningham, Gordon Fry, and Bryn Lutek. The Theatre of Schizophonic Performance in John Cage’s Cartridge Music. TENOR: International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation & Representation 2021, online. May 2021. (presentation video)
  • Aiyun Huang. Engaging with Music Technology as a percussionist: Making Music with Arduino UNO. Canadian Percussion Network, online. March 2021.


  • Hoi Tong Keung, Aiyun Huang, and Timothy Roth. University of Toronto TaPIR Lab Report. The Space Between, Montréal QC. info. January 2024. (poster)
  • Hoi Tong Keung. The Impossible Vibraphone: Realizing Stockhausen’s Strahlen. The Space Between, Hamilton ON. info. April 2022. (poster)
  • Bevis Ng. Gesture as a Powerful Interpretation Tool. The Space Between, Hamilton ON. info. April 2022. (poster)
  • Timothy Roth, Benjamin Duinker, Tristain Loria, Aiyun Huang, and Michael Thaut. Remote Percussion Training Yields Effective Improvement and Student Satisfaction. The Space Between, Hamilton ON. info. April 2022. (poster)
  • Jonny Smith and Louis Pino. Interactivity in Composition and Performance: A Study in Music Technology and Collaborative Creativity. The Space Between, Hamilton ON. info. April 2022. (poster)